Autowatch Emergency Override
Customers are so concerned over what buttons are used when the Ghost is installed but they don't ask one very important question. What happens if one of them buttons used to enter your pin code fails to work or breaks? How would you start your vehicle? Simple via the emergency override which is entered via the accelerator pedal along with the brake.
Remember this is only used if you can't get the vehicle started by your normal everyday pin code pin code.
EXAMPLE CODE - 22115 ( Your code will be on your Autowatch Grey credit card. )
Switch Ignition ON ( Dash Lights )
Press and HOLD brake pedal
Press Accelerator pedal 2 times ( First digit of pin code is 2 )
Release Brake pedal then press and HOLD
Press Accelaerator pedal 2 times ( Second digit of pin code is 2 )
Release Brake pedal then press and HOLD
Press Accelaerator pedal 1 time ( Third digit of pin code is 1 )
Release Brake pedal then press and HOLD
Press Accelaerator pedal 1 time ( Forth digit of pin code is 1 )
Release Brake pedal then press and HOLD
Press Accelaerator pedal 5 times ( last digit of pin code is 5 )
Release Brake Pedal
Signal light ( Engine light, Indercators , down hill light ) will flash twice if correct.