Ford Courier Cobra ADR Alarm

The Ford Courier is based on the Ford Fiesta platform, but it is quickly becoming a well known van to be seen on the UK roads due to it's excellent carrying abilities. Sadly due to it being on the Fiesta platform they are very easy to steal and as such the owner of this Ford Courier wasn't taking any chances. And they wanted the most effective and secure security product fitted, we suggested the Cobra ADR system which features a secure override ADR tag which MUST be seen by the alarm before it will allow the alarm to fully disarm and allow vehicle starting.

Without the secure Cobra ADR tag in range the Cobra alarm and immobiliser will start it's countdown. After the first 15 seconds the siren starts to bleep every second. After the final 15 seconds the alarm will fully sound it's siren.

This system protects all doors front, side and rear and also the vehicles interior providing it doesn't have the standard Ford alarm with ultrasonics. The alarm also features a 118db siren which has a full on board battery back up siren. If you would like a Cobra ADR alarm fitted to your van take a look at our Cobra ADR range