Original Fitted Car Trackers?

The most common thing we find in the aftermarket is a customer thinking there vehicle is secure because it has the factory fitted tracking system. These can even be from the most common brands such as Tracker, Trackstar or Cobra. The issue with factory fitted security is the technicians at the dealerships don't really understand how to hide the car tracker effectively, this is a major issue due to a stolen vehicle recovery tracker only being good at recovering your vehicle if the unit is hidden correctly.

With manufactures only giving a one unit location and power pick ups for there engineers. It is a play ground for car thieves due to them being able to find the tracker in one location on any vehicle they have the manufacture technical data for. This has been proven with a very common brand of German vehicles, time and time again you see videos on Youtube. Where a window is smashed and a new key is being cloned while another member of the gang is removing the glove box in order to remove the original tracker.

In today's world nothing is secure if it's factory fitted or complete factory security such as the massive wave of key cloning. We would advise not using any method of factory security and go aftermarket every time. You may ask why? Aftermarket tracking systems can be located anywhere in the vehicle and we can choose how we wish to mount and hide the device.

View our range of Stolen Car Trackers




