Van Tool Theft
A locksmith in the UK had a massive range of tools and diagnostic programming equipment stolen. He had the normal deadlocks but the thieves managed to break in and leave without a trace. How could this form of theft be provented? If you carry expensive equipment just having van locks alone won't provide the best protection, they are good at stopping the normal method of entry on the load doors but they offer no protection at all for the rest of the vehicle.
We always recommend having a microwave sensor fitted within the vehicles load area. This means if the theives manage to pull down the side of the sliding door or gain entry via the roof like the picture above any movement will be detected and sound the alarm instantly. With a Thatcham Approved alarm system it features a full battery back up alarm siren which means you can't turn it off by cutting the siren wiring unlike cheaper non approved alarm systems.
This method were a hole is cut in the roof is very rare and the more common method is bending the sliding door in half, once enough force is used you can put the side door down and it will fold once this is done they will normally jump in and steal your tools. This also means if they keep the lower part of the door where the pin switch is located they can enter the vehicle without sound.
Our recommendation is to install an additional microwave sensor in the rear of the vehicle with every Thatcham Van Alarm installation. Remember we are fully mobile and come to you via our mobile installation service in the UK.